Professional learning, performance and accreditation

Direction and guidance on meeting professional learning, performance and accreditation requirements.


This policy applies to all department employees, including contractors.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by



Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy statement developed.

Chief People Officer

Ongoing union consultation is occurring and amendments may be made from time to time.
  1. Policy statement
    1. The department is committed to assisting teachers and principals in NSW public schools and early childhood services deliver child and student outcomes, as well as supporting continued performance, growth and development by:
      1. creating an organisational culture that promotes high quality performance and the individual acceptance of responsibility and accountability
      2. providing all employees with access to relevant training and development activities (including on-the-job training), to enhance the skills and knowledge relevant to their role
      3. aligning employee goals with organisational objectives and enhancing performance by aligning outcomes with individual, team and overall organisational goals and roles or role descriptions (if applicable)
      4. implementing performance management and development processes to assess individual performance and address areas for improvement
      5. ensuring compliance with legislation and NSW public sector and/or government directives relating to professional learning, performance and accreditation where relevant.
  2. Context
    1. This policy requires all employees to participate in professional learning, performance and accreditation processes to comply with their relevant legislative, department, school and workplace requirements.
    2. All employees must complete mandatory training (including annual refresher training) to comply with legislative and department requirements as part of the induction process.
    3. This policy is consistent with, and should be read in conjunction with, all department policies and procedures related to professional learning, performance and accreditation.
    4. The following legislative provisions relate to this policy:
  3. Policy contact
    1. Chief People Officer
      1300 32 32 32
  4. Monitoring the policy
    1. The Chief People Officer monitors the implementation of this policy, regularly reviews its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and updates it as needed.
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